Ph.D. theses

5. Gehin, G. (December 2024) Mechanisms of Manganese Biomineralization by Pseudomonas putida GB-1. Ph.D. University of California, Davis. 

4. Benkaddour, S. (October 2020) Using macroscopic and ultrafast spectroscopic approaches to decouple the effect of structural properties on the (photo)reactivity of manganese oxides. Ph.D. University of Lausanne. 

3. Gonzalez-Holguera, J. (July 2018) Reactivity of MnO2 in bacteria-mineral assemblages. Ph.D. University of Lausanne. 

2. Marafatto, F.F. (December 2017). The photoreduction of MnO2 minerals. Ph.D. University of Lausanne. 

1. van Genuchten, C.M. Influence of electrolyte chemistry on the structure and reactivity of Fe(III) precipitates generated by Fe(0) electrocoagulation: Implications for low-cost arsenic treatment. University of California at Berkeley. 

Masters theses

19. Keck, M. (September 2024). The Cosumnes River Watershed After the Caldor Fire: Dissolved Organic Carbon Export from 2021-2024. M.Sc. thesis in Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis.

18. Sanchez, V. (June 2024). Social Disparities and Health Risk Assessment of Selected Inorganic Constituents in Domestic Well Water within the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center Catchment Area. M.Sc. thesis in Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis.

17. Coudene, M. (August 2021). Potential role of manganese oxides as mediator of organic matter oxidation. M.Sc. thesis in Environmental Sciences, University of Lausanne.

16. Passera, L. (June 2020). Metal transport in the Chamberonne basin: links with particle size and organic matter. M.Sc. thesis in Environmental Sciences, University of Lausanne.

15. Junghans, A. (January 2020). Copper pollution in waters, methods for removal, and development of a removal method based on manganese oxides. M.Sc. thesis in Environmental Sciences, University of Lausanne.

14. Gehin, G. (September 2019). Towards an approach to assess the redox reactivity of biogenic manganese oxides. M.Sc. thesis in Biogeosciences, University of Lausanne.

13. Sabaratnam, S. (January 2019). Spatial distribution of trace metals and major elements in surficial sediments from the Vidy Bay. M.Sc. thesis in Environmental Geoscience, University of Lausanne.

12. Shahroozi, K. (June 2018). Nitrate contamination of a drinking-water aquifer: Perspectives from geochemical and isotopic analyses. M.Sc. thesis in Environmental Geoscience, University of Lausanne.

11. Amor, M. (January 2017). Cr(VI) sorption on iron oxides: A comparison of the reactivity between biogenic (BIOS) and synthetic iron oxides. M.Sc. thesis in Biogeosciences, University of Lausanne.

10. Vallat, F. (September 2016). Mobility of methylated arsenic in sulfidic environments: Sorption of arsenic(III), MMA(V) and DMA(V) on mackinawite. M.Sc. thesis in Biogeosciences, University of Lausanne.

9. Devenoges, D. (September 2016). Methodological recommendation for ecotoxicological tests in microcosms. M.Sc. thesis in Biogeosciences, University of Lausanne.

8. Loup, E. (June 2016). Uranium accumulation in the soils of the Dischma valley (Switzerland): Origins and behavior of uranium in wetlands. M.Sc. thesis in Environmental Geoscience, University of Lausanne.

7. DuPasquier, A. (January 2016). Les oxydes de Mn et Fe dans les travertins de Skoura (Maroc) : Dépôts géochimique ou biogénique? M.Sc. thesis in Biogeosciences, University of Lausanne.

6. Flury, V. (January 2016). Biogeochemical study of uranium accumulation in an Apline histosol. M.Sc. thesis in Biogeosciences, University of Lausanne.

5. Dossou Etui, I. (September 2015). Effect of carbon sources on the adsorption of Pb and Zn by a biogenic Mn oxide for use as a remediation method in wastewater treatment. M.Sc. thesis in Environmental Geoscience, University of Lausanne.

4. Finger, A. (October 2014). Stability and bioavailability of arsenic-laden Fe(III) precipitate generated by the electrolytic dissolution of Fe(0) electrodes. M.Sc. thesis in Environmental Geoscience, University of Lausanne.

3. Droz, B. (June 2014). Influence of manganese oxidation rate on the nickel sorption capacities of bacteriogenic and mycogenic birnessite. M.Sc. thesis in Biogeosciences, University of Lausanne.

2. Dolivo, L. (September 2013). Physico-chemical characterization of iron oxyhydroxides in three streams located in the Morges area (Vaud, Switzerland). M.Sc. thesis in Biogeosciences, University of Lausanne.

1. Aiolfi, I. (September 2013). Inorganic contaminants in river sediments of Lake Geneva affluents. M.Sc. thesis in Biogeosciences, University of Lausanne.

Bachelor projects

1. Carrard T. (June 2019). Étude de l’habitat des bactéries ferro-oxydantes dans le Blacon (Vaud, Suisse). B.Sc. thesis in Environmental Geoscience, University of Lausanne.

2. Muller N. (June 2019). Biogeochemical aspects of uranium in peat. B.Sc. thesis in Environmental Geoscience, University of Lausanne.

3. Muller L. (June 2019). Gestion de ressources en phosphore et sécurité alimentaire. B.Sc. thesis in Environmental Geoscience, University of Lausanne.

4. Steiner T. (June 2018). Composition chimique et boilogique des biofilms bactériens dans le contexte d’une rivière remaniée par les castors : quelles particularités ? B.Sc. thesis in Environmental Geoscience, University of Lausanne.

5. Jeannerat A. (June 2018). Etude sur la biodégradation de la pollution de la Chamberonne du 11 octobre 2017. B.Sc. thesis in Environmental Geoscience, University of Lausanne.

6. Passera L. (June 2018). Réseau d’eau potable de la région lausannoise : composition chimique. B.Sc. thesis in Environmental Geoscience, University of Lausanne.

7. Manetti N. (June 2018). Concentration et spéciation de l-arsenic dans le riz en fonction de la méthode de cultivation. B.Sc. thesis in Environmental Geoscience, University of Lausanne.

8. Vuignier F. (June 2018). Impact du méthylmercure ur a maladie d’Alzheimer. B.Sc. thesis in Environmental Geoscience, University of Lausanne.

9. Anthamatten, E. (June 2017). Applicabilité de la clinoptilolite pour le traitement des métaux Pb2+, Cu 2+ et Zn 2+ dans l’eau du ruissellement urbain à Lausanne. B.Sc. thesis in Environmental Geoscience, University of Lausanne.

10. Fischer, A. (June 2017). Élimination des résidus de médicaments dans les eaux usées : un rôle pour les oxydes de manganèse et les zéolites ? B.Sc. thesis in Environmental Geoscience, University of Lausanne.

11. Bassoto, D. (June 2017). Effet du Ca2⁺ et du Mg2⁺ sur la détection de l’arsénate en adsorption sur des hydroxydes de Fer(III). B.Sc. thesis in Environmental Geoscience, University of Lausanne.