* denotes a student or postdoc co-author, # corresponding author.

35. Straub, M., J. Peña, V. Flury*, Pascal Froidevaux# (2022). Uranium stability in a large wetland soil core probed by electron acceptors, carbonate amendments and wet-dry cycling in a long-term lysimeter experiment. Sci. Total Environ., 803: 149783.

34. Runkle B.R.K.#, A.L. Seyfferth, M.C. Reid, M.A. Limmer, B. Moreno-García, C.W. Reavis, J. Peña, M.L. Reba, M.A.A Adviento-Borbe, S.R.M. Pinson, C. Isbell (2021). Sociotechnical changes for sustainable rice production: rice husk amendment, conservation irrigation, and system changes. Frontiers in Agronomy.

33. Catrouillet, C.*, S. Hirosue*, N. Manetti* and J. Peña# (2020). Coupled As and Mn redox transformations in an Fe(0) electrocoagulation system: Competition for reactive oxidants and sorption sites. Environ. Sci. Technol., 54(12): 7165-7174.

32. Peña, J., M. Straub, V. Flury*, E. Loup*, J. Corcho, P. Steinmann, F. Bochud and P. Froidevaux # (2020). Origin and stability of uranium accumulation-layers in an Alpine Histosol. Sci. Total Environ.727, 138368.

31. Fortunato, J., J. Peña, S. Benkaddour*, H. Zhang, J. Huang M. Zhu, B. Logan and C. Gorski # (2020). Surveying manganese oxides as electrode materials for harnessing salinity gradient energy. Environ. Sci. Technol. 54, 9, 5746-5754.

30. Iatsenko, I., A. Marra, J.P. Boquete, J. Peña, B. Lemaitre # (2020). Iron sequestration by transferrin 1 mediates nutritional immunity in Drosophila melanogaster. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 117 (13),7317-7325.

29. Magaffin, S., L. Abu-Ali, R. Tappero, J. Peña, J. Rohila, A. McClung, M. Reid # (2020). Influence of Manganese Abundances on Iron and Arsenic Solubility in Rice Paddy Soils. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 276, 50-59.

28. Sorensen, J.V., B. Gueguen, B.D. Stewart, J. Peña, O. Rouxel, B.M. Toner # (2020). Large Nickel Isotope Fractionation Caused by Surface Complexation Reactions with Hexagonal Birnessite. Chem. Geol. 537, 119481.

27. Wick, S., J. Peña, A. Voegelin # (2019). Thallium sorption onto manganese oxides. Environ. Sci. Technol. 53 (22), 13168-13178.

26. Gonzalez-Holguera, J.*, I. Etui * , J. Peña # (2018). Contaminant loading and competitive access of Pb, Zn and Mn(III) to vacancy sites in biogenic MnO 2 . Chem. Geol. 502, 76-87.

25. Lanson, B. # , F.F. Marafatto * , J. Peña (2018). Reply to the ‘Comment on “Crystal growth and aggregation in suspensions of δ-MnO2 nanoparticles: implications for surface reactivity”’ by A.Manceau, Environ. Sci.: Nano, 5, 2201-2203.

24. Whitaker, A., J. Peña, M. Amor* and O. Duckworth # . (2018). Cr(VI) uptake and reduction in biogenic iron oxides assemblages. Env. Sci. Process. Impact. 20 (7), 1056-1068.

23. van Genuchten, C. M.* # , A. Finger*, J.R. van der Meer, and J. Peña # (2018). Detection of arsenic by bacterial bioreporters in the presence of Fe(III) (oxy)hydroxide minerals. Env. Sci. Process. Impact.20, 913-922.

22. Wang, Y.*, S Benkaddour*, F.F. Marafatto* and J. Peña # (2018). Diffusion- and pH-dependent reactivity of layer-type MnO 2 : Reactions at particle edges versus vacancy sites. Environ. Sci. Technol. 52 (6), 3476-3485.

21. Gueguen, B. # , J.V. Sorensen, S.V. Lalonde, J. Peña, B.M. Toner and O. Rouxel (2018). Variable Ni isotope fractionation between Fe-oxyhydroxides and implications for the use of Ni isotopes as geochemical tracers. Chem. Geol. 481, 38-52.

20. Marafatto, F.M.,* B. Lanson and J. Peña # . (2018). Crystal growth and aggregation in suspensions of δ-MnO2 nanoparticles: Implications for surface reactivity. Environ. Sci.-Nano. 5, 497-508.

19. van Genuchten, C. M.* and J. Peña # (2017). Mn(II) oxidation in Fenton and Fenton-type systems: Identification of reaction efficiency and reaction products. Environ. Sci. Technol. 51 (5), 2982-2991.

18. van Genuchten, C. M.* and J. Peña # (2016). Sorption selectivity of birnessite particle edges: a d-PDF analysis of Cd(II) and Pb(II) sorption by δ-MnO2 and ferrihydrite. Env. Sci. Process. Impact.18(8):1030-41. (J. Peña featured as an Emerging Investigator in Special Issue).

17. van Genuchten, C.M*, S.R.S Bandaru, E. Surorova*, S.E. Amrose, Ashok J. Gadgil, and J. Peña #(2016) Formation of macroscopic surface layers on Fe(0) electrocoagulation electrodes during a long-term field trial of arsenic treatment. Chemosphere, 153, 270-279.

16. van Genuchten, C. M.* and J. Peña # (2016). Antimonate and Arsenate Speciation on Reactive Soil Minerals Studied by Differential Pair Distribution Function Analysis. Chem. Geol., 429, 1-9.

15. Simanova, A.A.* and J. Peña # (2015). Time-resolved investigation of cobalt oxidation by Mn(III) rich δ-MnO 2 using quick X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Environ. Sci. Technol., 49 (18), 10867–10876.

14. Simanova, A.A.*, K. K. Kwon, S. E. Bone, J. R. Bargar, K. Refson, G. Sposito, J. Peña # (2015). Trace metal sorption on the edge surfaces of birnessite nanoparticles. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 164(1), 191-204.

13. Marafatto, F.M.*, M.L. Strader, J. Gonzalez-Holguera*, A Schwartzberg, B. Gilbert # , J. Peña # (2015). Rate and mechanism of the photoreduction of birnessite (MnO 2 ) nanosheets. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 112(15), 4600-4605.

12. Droz, B.*, N. Dumas*, O.W. Duckworth, J. Peña # (2015). A comparison of the sorption reactivity of bacteriogenic and mycogenic Mn oxides nanoparticles. Environ. Sci. Technol., 49(7), 4200-4208.

11. Peña, J. # , J. R. Bargar and G. Sposito (2015). Copper sorption by the edge surfaces of birnessite nanoparticles. Chem. Geol, 396:196-207.

10. van Genuchten, C. M.*, A. J. Gadgil, J. Peña # (2014). Fe(III) nucleation in the presence of bivalent cations and oxyanions leads to sub-nanoscale 7 Å polymers. Environ. Sci. Technol. 48(20), 11828-11836.

9. van Genuchten, C. M.* # , J. Peña, S. E. Addy, A. J. Gadgil (2014). Structure of Fe(III) precipitates generated by the electrolytic dissolution of Fe(0) in the presence of groundwater ions. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 127, 285-304.

8. van Genuchten # , C. M., S. E. Addy, J. Peña, A. J. Gadgil (2012). Removing arsenic from synthetic groundwater with iron electrocoagulation: An Fe and As K-edge EXAFS study. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46, 986–994.

7. Peña, J. # , J. R. Bargar and G. Sposito (2011). Role of Bacterial biomass in the sorption of Ni by biomass-birnessite assemblages. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45, 7338-7344.

6. Peña, J. # , K.K. Kwon, K.R. Refson, J.R. Bargar and G. Sposito (2010). Mechanisms of Nickel Sorption by Bacteriogenic Birnessite. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 74, 3076-3089.

5. Kelly, S.D., S.R. Bare, N. Greenlay, G. Azevedo, M. Balasubramanian, D. Barton , S. Chattopadhyay, S. Fakra, B. Johannessen, M. Newville, J. Peña, G. Pokrovski, O. Proux, K. Priolkar, B. Ravel and S.Webb (2009). Comparison of EXAFS Foil Spectra from Around the World. J. Phys.: XAFS14 Conf. Proc.190, 1-4.

4. Duckworth, O.W. # , S.M. Holmstrom, J. Peña, and G. Sposito (2009). Biogeochemistry of Iron Oxidation in a Circumneutral Freshwater Habitat. Chem. Geol. 260, 149-158.

3. Peña, J. # , O.W. Duckworth, J.R. Bargar, and G. Sposito (2007). Dissolution of Hausmannite in the Presence of the Trihydroxamate Siderophore Desferrioxamine B. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 71, 5661-5671.

2. Tokunaga, T.K. # , J. Wan, J. Peña, E.L. Brodie, M.K. Firestone, T. C. Hazen, S.R. Sutton, A. Lanzirotti, M. Newville (2005). Uranium Reduction in Sediments Under Diffusion-Limited Transport of Organic Carbon. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39, 7077-7083.

1. Tokunaga, T.K. # , J. Wan, J. Peña, S.R. Sutton, and M. Newville (2004). Hexavalent Uranium Diffusion in Soils from Concentrated Acidic and Alkaline Solutions. Environ. Sci. Technol. 38, 3056-3062.